Induction Learning Path
Buying & Merchandising Induction Learning Path
A retail induction program will include a number of things such as:
- Introduction to the company, its mission, culture, target customer segments, objectives and how it beats its competition
- The support structure for new hires
- Company specific training
- One or more store visits
- Industry familiarisation training.
Companies will usually do most of this in house, but getting people started on their industry knowledge is something that is better provided by experienced retail trainers.
Our induction learning path provides good insight to new hires joining retail for the first time. If a new hire has some relevant experience, then some modules can be excluded, depending on what their experience covers. Other activities might be included for individuals entering more senior roles.
Select any of the circles along the path to find out more about each step.
Store Visits
New hires will certainly benefit from one or more store visits. These store visits are usually a walk round the store with a talk by a store manager or deputy but can often be a learning opportunity missed. An exercise using our store visit assessment checklist can be a valuable addition.