Achieving Your Goals with the Least Effort

Previously we demonstrated the most strategic approach to upskilling your people’s industry knowledge to help grow sales and margin. Find out more on what you missed here. This time we will address your delivery options. We’ve made it easy for you to deliver everything you need to achieve these goals with the least effort on your part.

Classes can be ordered through our web site for one or small groups of people. Corporate licences are available for larger companies with many potential users. The following sections explain the different options available.

In a later post we will address the issue of talent planning, which in a strategic approach, should really come first. But this post will guide those with immediate needs.

Single or Small Group Licenses

Classes ordered through our web site are processed on our learning management system.  This can be for single users, or small groups of users.  If you buy for a group, we also provide management access to enable you to track progress and results.

Two types of licence are available – Professional and Performance Enhancer.

Professional License

For those who need to be trained quickly, the professional licence is the right place to start. Professional licences offer a 3-month term in which to complete the class. Classes are an hour to two hours of study, and we recommend not more than 45 minutes a day, to maximize retention. A typical suite of classes takes 10 to 12 hours to study, and this can be accomplished readily in 3 months. We also include 12 months access to the Retail and Consumer Goods Industry WIKI and Performance Support System. The classes must be completed within the three-month licence period, but continuing use can be made of the WIKI for revision, answering “need to know now” queries and using the many tools and job aids included. WIKI licences can be renewed annually thereafter for a modest per user fee. This really helps address the challenge of retention of knowledge.

If a group has ten or more users and licences a suite or learning path, there is an option to run e-learning classes to a fixed schedule and add one or more webinars with a live online instructor, to include some practice exercises and revision of key points. Exercises can be for individuals or small teams of 2 or 3. This is subject to an additional charge. For more details on how the sessions work read Web-Based Group Tutorial Sessions.

Performance Enhancer Licence

This licence is 12 months in duration. It has the same benefits as the Professional licence with the following additions:

Ask the Expert support. This allows a learner to email the Martec help desk with questions on anything in the class they did not understand or with queries about how to apply a key piece of knowledge in their day job. There are also a small but growing number of stretch exercises which are not tested as they have no absolutely right or wrong answers. In the class, they can create their answer, submit it, and compare it with a pre-stored answer in the class for immediate feedback.If they wish, they can email it to the help desk and a Martec instructor will review their answer, assess it, and add comments providing additional guidance.

  • Update resources. Whilst ever the client company has at least one valid licence, past learners of individual classes will be emailed any updated versions of class resources including tools and job aids. This is conditional on completing the end of class survey as the survey updates our system to do this.
  • There is a reduced price for group webinars saving £20 per learner.
  • Annual WIKI renewal is lower per learner
  • Two free webinars are included per ten people when a suite or learning path is purchased
  • Additional webinars can be purchased to achieve maximum performance.

Corporate Licences

Corporate licences come into play when a company wants unrestricted access to a class, suite, learning path or the complete library. Prices are quoted based on the number of employees in the company, as it is not possible to estimate the number of potential future learners with any accuracy.

A corporate licence can be run on Martec’s learning management system or in house on the client’s own learning management system. Licences can be for one or more years.

Some corporate clients licence a number of suites but rarely the complete catalogue. However, if they are a project driven business, they sometimes have a need for just a few seats in a class they do not install in house, because their regular usage does not warrant a corporate licence fee. In this case, we can offer an add on option to pay a fixed fee for ad hoc access to those classes not installed in house priced to suit this particular circumstance.

For clients who run on our LMS, we provide manager access for a small number of people to monitor the usage and progress of their own learners.


Customization can be provided in a number of ways extending from simple branding of classes and the learning management system to show the clients brand, to including client specific resources as downloads in the classes and to developing bespoke classes to include in the portfolio. Custom learning paths can also be created. We can include other classes the client already has. We are happy to discuss individual cases as appropriate.

Next Steps

To discuss our services in more detail, you can email me directly or click my calendar link to make a direct appointment.

If you need guidance on making the best choices for your specific situation, complete our contact us form and we will be pleased to advise you. To get to know us better, and perhaps get some insights you can use, be sure to check the Martec Minutes box on the form to get access to our Martec Minute weekly industry posts.