We developed our first retail e-learning over 25 years ago. Since then, we have progressively developed the depth and quality of our content and introduced many innovations to enhance learners’ motivation to study our classes diligently. We measure our success through an extensive customer survey process with over 11,500 survey returns and growing.
We analyze survey responses to improve our content and instructional approach. We measure how learners score their satisfaction on four key questions. We compile annual reports of survey responses for our clients, so they can see what we see. Learn more about our survey process here.
We include review question throughout each class, which are marked as the learner proceeds, so they can see how they are doing and where they need to review a topic again. We increasingly include extra questions where there is no right or wrong answer, but where they can practice using their judgement, based on their knowledge so far. They can compare their answer with the one in the class and even email their answer to us for more personal guidance and feedback.
When they pass the mastery test, they are asked to complete the class survey. If they complete it and they passed, they are eligible to receive a digital badge.
One of the benefits of our digital badge program is that learners receive an email with the badge details, which tells them how they can post it on their LinkedIn or Facebook page and get their bragging rights. In our particular program, we paid a lot of attention to the badge metadata, which itemises the skills that learner has achieved in passing each program.
Badges are awarded for each class graduated. When all the classes in a suite or learning path have been graduated the learner receives a suite or learning path badge. Learning path badges correlate directly to the industry and process knowledge required to do a particular job role successfully. They demonstrate that the learner is upskilling in the best way for themselves and for their company.
Badge programs also reduce employee attrition and save on de-hiring, recruiting and induction costs, which also contribute to improved profitability. In many cases, the badge achievement can be accompanied by an increase in the fee rates charged to clients. These are significant benefits for employers.
We provide excellent tools and resources to help learners do their jobs more effectively. For example, for a salesperson we provide a selection of eight email, letter, or phone script templates to use when aiming to get initial appointments with executives. We also provide sixteen executive or senior manager discovery interview question lists for early sales meetings. The first set of questions have answers to listen out for, and suggestions for follow up questions, depending on their first answer. A typical list of questions is sufficient to help an inexperienced salesperson through perhaps three meetings, by which time they should be well on their way to identifying real opportunities.
For a business consultant or implementer, we provide many tools ranging across many key areas in retailing and consumer goods manufacturing. Contact us if you would like to know more.
As part of our digital badge program, we award Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits for each program graduated. Ten of our classes are NASBA certified (National Association of State Boards of Accounting in the USA). We also issue our own credits for classes which are not NASBA approved, and we use the NASBA model for determining what the credits should be.
To discuss our services in more detail you can email me directly, click my calendar link to make a direct appointment or complete our contact us form. Be sure to check the Martec Minutes box on the form to get access to our Martec Minute weekly industry posts.
Or explore the Martec Shop and enrol one of your team to get independent feedback on our quality and depth.