Disaster Recovery - Think Wider!

In 2019 economic losses from 409 natural disasters exceeded $232 billion.  But it isn’t just natural disasters that we have to worry about.   In the past, retailers thought about computer centres and warehouses being badly impacted, for example, but latterly a series of different shocks is concerning retailers and consumer goods manufacturers.  They include:

So, when thinking about disaster recovery, or business continuity as it is often referred to, start with a much wider risk analysis than you might have done in the past.  Then you can consider the inter-relationships between these factors more fully and develop more robust plans.  

Planning cannot eliminate all risks, but the better your planning, the less exposed you will be.

You can read a longer version of this minute with more detailed insight at Retail and Consumer Goods Industry WIKI and EPSS, if you or your company have a licence.

Posted by Brian Hume
19th April 2024
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